Aldehydes And Ketones MCQs for MDCAT

Aldehydes And Ketones Quiz 4

Aldehydes And Ketones MCQs for MDCAT

Created on By mdcatpk

Aldehydes And Ketones Quiz 4

1 / 10

AcetyI chloride is soluble in which solvent

2 / 10

Symmetrical structure of a ketone refers to

3 / 10

Which of the following can be used for the oxidative preparation of aldehydes from alcohol

4 / 10

Ethylene is oxidized to acetaldehyde on a commercial scale by the use of the catalyst which is

5 / 10

The clear fact for the structural differences between aldehyde and ketone is

6 / 10

Reduction of a ketone using NaBH4 gives

7 / 10

HCN can be added to

8 / 10

Reduction of an aldehyde using NaBH4gives:

9 / 10

An alcohol giving positive 2,4-DNPH test implies that

10 / 10

Formation of yellow or orange /red precipitates with 2,4-DNPH refers to the identification of

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The average score is 66%


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