Electrochemistry Quiz

Electrochemistry Quiz
Created on By mdcatpk

Electrochemistry Quiz

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Which of the following element act as an inert electrode

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If electricity is passed through a CuSO4 solution by using a Pt electrode then which of the following possible change occurs

3 / 20

Stronger the oxidizing agent greater is the

4 / 20

Which has a maximum oxidation number

5 / 20

Which of the following cell is not rechargeable

6 / 20

In an electrolytic cell current flows

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Which of the following is true in the case of the Zn-Cu cell

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In a galvanic cell

9 / 20

The degree of dissociation of week electrolyte increases as

10 / 20

Molten NaCl conducts electricity due to the presence of

11 / 20

In which of the following reactions occur at cathode

12 / 20

Electricity in a voltaic cell is produced due to

13 / 20

In electrolytic solution conductance of electricity is due to

14 / 20

In electrolytic cell electricity carries

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Reaction at the anode is called

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In an electrolytic cell, cathode provides electrons to

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In Galvanic cell electrons flow from anode to cathode through

18 / 20

A decrease in oxidation number is called

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For the measurement of standard electrode potential, Zn is dipped in

20 / 20

Right half-cell contains __________ electrode

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Electrochemistry Quiz

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