Electronics Quiz

Electronics Quiz
Created on By mdcatpk

Electronics Quiz

1 / 20

Electrons present in p-type material due to thermal pair generation are

2 / 20

Semi-conductors with donor atoms and free electrons belong to the type

3 / 20

Semi-conductor germanium and silicon are

4 / 20

Acceptor and donor impurities donate

5 / 20

P-N junction when reversed biased acts as a

6 / 20

In P-N-P transistor the collector current is

7 / 20

In N-P-N transistor, P works as

8 / 20

The simplest type of rectification known as half-wave rectification is obtained by

9 / 20

Identify the correct statement about minority carriers

10 / 20

Depletion region of a junction is formed

11 / 20

The velocity of an oscillating charge as it moves to and from along a wire is always

12 / 20

Which one of the following has the greatest energy gap

13 / 20

Which one of the following band is completely filled in case of conductors

14 / 20

The value of resistivity for the insulator is of the order of

15 / 20

Thermions are

16 / 20

The symbol of N-P-N transistor is

17 / 20

In the transistor schematic symbol, the arrow

18 / 20

Forward current through a semiconductor diode circuit is due to

19 / 20

Which one of the following is not a donor impurity

20 / 20

The hole is equivalent to

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Electronics Quiz
Electronics Quiz

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