Forms And Functions In Plants Quiz

Forms And Functions In Plants Quiz
Created on By mdcatpk

Forms And Functions In Plants Quiz

1 / 20

In asexual reproduction, offspring are produced by

2 / 20

Which method is of asexual reproduction

3 / 20

Gametes in animals are produced by

4 / 20

In sexual reproduction, plants have the diplohaplontic life cycle with alternating

5 / 20

Which statement is correct?

6 / 20

In parthenocarpy which levels are high in ovaries

7 / 20

Seeds are dormant in conditions of

8 / 20

Developing seeds are a rich source of

9 / 20

Which statement is incorrect?

10 / 20

What is critical in photoperiodism?

11 / 20

Florigen is produced by

12 / 20

Growth movement of pollen tube towards the egg is

13 / 20

In biennials and perennials, a low-temperature stimulus is not received by

14 / 20

Which statement is incorrect?

15 / 20

Which one is not a day-neutral plant?

16 / 20

A hormone that prevents senescence in leaves is

17 / 20

Pulvinus tissues are present in

18 / 20

Early fall of leaves and fruits in plants is caused by the deficiency of

19 / 20

Vernalization is the conversion of

20 / 20

Phytochrome "Pfr" absorbs red light of wave length

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Forms And Functions In Plants Quiz

Forms And Functions In Plants Quiz

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